On Jan. 13, 2014, the Reliability Coordinators (RC) within the Eastern and Quebec Interconnections formed Eastern Interconnect Data Sharing Network, Inc. (“EIDSN”), a nonstock, nonprofit corporation. In April of 2018, EIDSN’s Board of Directors approved the necessary changes to remove the geographical restrictions and allow any RC, Transmission Operator (TOP), Transmission Owner (TO), and Balancing Authority (BA) in North America to join EIDSN. The name of the Company was also changed to EIDSN, Inc. (EIDSN). EIDSN will assume responsibility from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) for managing NERCnet, the existing network over which pertinent operating reliability data is shared among North American bulk power operators.
EIDSN’s network, Electric Information Network (EInet), replaced NERCnet and provides a efficient and effective network for the sharing of operating reliability data, including both SCADA and synchrophasor data, among appropriate entities to promote the reliable and efficient operation of the Bulk Electric System.
The Board of Directors of EISDN is currently composed of executives from Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Florida Reliability Coordinating Council, Inc., Hydro-Quebec TransEnergie, Independent Electricity System Operator, ISO New England, Inc., Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc., NB Power Corporation, New York Independent System Operator, Inc., PJM Interconnection, L.L.C., Southern Company Services, Inc., Southwest Power Pool, Inc., and Tennessee Valley Authority.