Q? What is EIDSN?
A: EIDSN, Inc. (EIDSN) is a Delaware nonstock, nonprofit (501(c)(6)), corporation formed January 13, 2014. EIDSN’s manages the Electric Information Network (EInet), a data-sharing network for its members to promote the reliable and efficient operation of the Eastern and Quebec Interconnections. EInet transports data necessary to reliably operate the Bulk Electric System (defined as all transmission facilities operating at or above 100kV with certain exceptions — read more) in the eastern half of the United States and Canada. EIDSN also provides and manages various software tools that support the reliable and efficient operation of the Bulk Electric System.
Q? Who are the members of EIDSN?
A: The current members of EIDSN are 12 Reliability Coordinators in the eastern half of the United States and Canada. Reliability Coordinators are entities designated by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) as responsible for the reliable operation of the Bulk Electric System through coordination with the Transmission Owners (TO), Transmission Operators (TOP), Balancing Authorities (BA), Generator Owners (GO), and other NERC-registered entities, as appropriate, within their designated area.
Q? Who can use the Electric Information Network (EInet)?
A: EInet is used by its members and former NERCnet node users. Entities registered with NERC as a TO, TOP, or BA in North America that satisfy the criteria for becoming a “Participant” set forth in EIDSN’s bylaws and execute the necessary agreements may acquire nodes on EInet and use the software tools provided by EIDSN.
Q? Who can I contact with further questions about EIDSN?
A: You may contact EIDSN via the Contact Us page